1 Day Juice Cleanse which includes the following 5 -16 Ounces Drinks :
- 1 Wellness Shot
- 2 Green Juices
- 2 Red Juices
- Sea Moss Smoothie
JUICE CLEANSEPREPERATIONPackage includes (5) - 16 oz Drinks& 1 Wellness Shot
- 2-3 Days leading into the planned short-term
cleanse, cut out all dairy and meat - Eat only salad, fruits, legumes and vegetables
- Drink up to, but never exceeding a gallon
of natural spring water
Mid-day / afternoon
Gold Armour
Ingredients: Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon, Ecinachea, Cayenne Pepper
green juice
Ingredients: Kale, Spinach, Green Apple, Cucumber, Celery, Ginger & Lemon
Benefits: Source of fiber, vitamin A and C, contains antioxidants & improves digestion
prince marii
Ingredients: Almond Milk, Banana, Vanilla Protein, Peanut Butter, Irish Sea Moss, Blueberries, Honey
Benefits: Contain vitamin B6, omega 6, antioxidants, rich in fiber, source of manganese
The Purpose of a cleanse is to:
- Clear the toxins in our body
- Increase energy
- Encourage weight loss
- Gain clarity
- Focus mind and body
These statements and the products of this company are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
If you have allergies or any other medical
conditions, consult with a physician first.
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